With the recent surge in digital revolution from COVID-19 span, Google classrom, meet & Zoom calls have became the default part of everyday life. Starting the day with virtual meeting & ending it with assigment submition is quite the new norm. At a time like this if one thing that is providing the fuel to seamlessly maintaining the services is the cloud computing. Without the help of cloud computing, education could have not led its way in this pre & post pandemic era. Digital classrooms more or less have saved generations to caught from the grasp of educational-glitch.
Studies has also shown that the cloud based digital platforms has helped to exponentially increase the interaction between educators and students

Main Benefits

1.Cost effectiveness

One of the major benifits of cloud computing system is long term cost reduction. Compare to the management of conventional data centres the cloud ecosystem provides immense stability & enable for a better cost effective approaches. From prdeictable expendature assements makes the organization better equiped with several additional benifits like :

  • Lesser data storage costs

  • Minimising expendature over data storing & capturing centres

  • It excludes the massive cost for conventioanly used machineries used in data storage.

2.Improved Collaboration

Audience engagement, muliple collaboration & real time collaboration is one of the most attarctive aspect of cloud computing enabled educational model. From real time interaction with audio-visual convertations it leaves the conventional boudaries of education.
It aslo :

  • Enables audio-visual communication and engagement between mulitple users

  • Enables on time interactive mediums to maxmise the effectives

  • Creates audience management portals

Cloud collaboration in educational sectors brings a bunch of possibilites not only for educatora and the students but also provide parents to come to the same page. With interactive engagement with resourcefull studies it helps to grow as a whole.

3.Accessibilty and Resourcefullness

A cloud based educational system massively improves the accessibilty of educational resources. It enables the users to share same resource on real time whenever and wherever they need with the advantage of multiple sharing at the same time. Virtual advantages like this helps the education to seemlessly integrate the on & off study model.
For improving the experince and enbaking the accessbility of cloud based content the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are present. It compliments the virtual learning with interactive practices and effectivly enables the personalized experince of learning. It also ads resources which makes the nessesary modifition unique to users and creat a more compact and usefull version of infrastructure they are using. It also brings various opprtunities to understnad students as well as parents better suited methods for studies.


In direct comparision with on-premise data centers, cloud based educational model helps moderate and mimimize the scaling cost of facilities. The growth of audince can be easily couped with cloud enabled model. Where conventional data infrastructure reaches to its limits cloud based data processing breaks that limitation over users and on time engagement.

5.Cloud based educational cources

Implimentation of cloud based aspects in conventional cources modifies and equips institutions for upcomming future. It also makes desirable to persue and make the level-up for educational standards also. Cloud based learning can cater a large audience which can not be possible physically in a classrom. It also supplies on demand resources to the students as well as make well suited solutions for educators to engage and fortify the learning process.


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